HBSE result 2022: The Haryana Education board is expected to announce class 10 and class 12 results most probably in the third week of June.
The board of school Education Haryana is expected to declare class 10, and 12 results soon. According to the media reports, the results for classes 10, and 12 can be declared in the third week of June. All the students who have appeared for class 10 and class 12 board exams are advised to keep an eye on the website of the Haryana education board.
However, the officials have not given any confirmed date and time for the result declaration. According to several media reports, it is expected that results will be out by 15 June. More than 2 lakhs students registered for HBSE Class 12 results, and 3 lakh students have appeared for Class 10 board exams. All the students have appeared for exams from Haryana open school, their results will also be declared on the same date.
Once the results get declared on the website, all the students can download the result by roll number wise, school wise, name wise from the official website of HBSE.